CC Choir 1st Rehearsal 10-5

Hi everyone!

Just a reminder that the Holiday concert rehearsals start Monday 10-5

@ Whetstone HS in the choir room. We start singing @ 7:30pm

Please arrive before 7:30  to sign in, pay your dues and collect your music. 

New members welcome!

Starting our 11th year!

Rehearsals for our 11th  Holiday concert begins-

Monday OCTOBER 5 @ Whetstone HS>  7:30- 9pm 

Come early to get signed in and pick up music.

The Holiday Concert is

December 13 (Sunday) @ 4pm at Whetstone HS. 

Please note this is the 2nd Sunday. we usually have the concert on the 1st Sunday,

but there was a conflict for the use of the building that day.

As always we have room for more voices. Invite & bring along a new singer to the group!

Stay tuned for more details!

Starting our 11th year!

Rehearsals for our 11th  Holiday concert begins-

Monday OCTOBER 5 @ Whetstone HS>  7:30- 9pm 

Come early to get signed in and pick up music.

The Holiday Concert is

December 13 (Sunday) @ 4pm at Whetstone HS. 

Please note this is the 2nd Sunday. we usually have the concert on the 1st Sunday,

but there was a conflict for the use of the building that day.

As always we have room for more voices. Invite & bring along a new singer to the group!

Stay tuned for more details!

Kudos to Clintonville!


Bravo tutti on a wonderful performance Sunday evening!  Our audience (great turnout BTW) loved it and I’m so proud of how you all came together to sing and make music in the always tricky humidity of early August.  It’s great fun to rehearse and make music with you all. 🙂

So what did I learn?  It might be ten years before I ever do Sicut Cervus again!  That was totally my fault on the cue, I think I looked at my music one moment too early before giving the sopranos their part and that’s what caused the problems, although I wonder how many people listening noticed what happened (obviously we did).  Simon Carrington at conference talked about how he never cues singers because he wants them to take ownership of their parts; that said he works with people from Yale and around the world, so ownership is important but the conductor needs to be in top form as well!

I believe (officers please confirm) our holiday concert date is Sunday, December 6th.  If that holds true our first rehearsal back will be Monday, September 28 at Whetstone.  We WOULD have a rehearsal the Monday prior to Thanksgiving.  

In case you’re curious about what the Chichester Psalms sound like, here’s a link for you.  We will sing the first movement of the three for the holiday concert, then the entire thing at the Clintonville Choral Festival on March 18.

Take care!  Enjoy the rest of your summer.



Park of Roses Concert SUNDAY!

Sunday is Concert Day!!!!

WHAT TO WEAR – White choir  logo shirt – Kakhi on bottom shorts, skirts, or pants (please no extreme short shorts or skirts think modest)

comfy shoes

5:00 – POTLUCK in shelter house – We hope to get in earlier so we can get started. Friends & Family welcome to potluck. Just adjustand bring more food 

6:00 – MEET at the Gazebo, line up on risers, warm up spot check places in our songs, sound check etc

7:00 – CONCERT TIME   (about 1 hour)

AFTER the concert turn in your music back at the shelter house.

**Stay hydrated on Sunday. Water is best option. Bring bottled water to potluck/

 . The Civitans  provide a cooler of water at the gazebo so you can get/refill.

Bring sunglasses if you are glare sensitive. Sometimes we get the sun in our face at start of concert.

This  concludes our 10th year!

The actual  start up date in September & Holiday Concert in December  will be posted soon. 

Lets Make Music Clintonville! 

Links for music in our upcoming concert

Hi there! I was thinking it would be helpful to send out links for some of our music. What do you think of these for Ashokan, Defying, Nine Hundred, Sicut and Sixty-Four?

– Ashokan Farewell
– Defying Gravity
– Nine Hundred Miles
– Sicut Cervus
– Sixty-Four

Laura Messerley

Financial Support for the Choir

The Kroger Rewards program is a significant source of support for our choir. If you select the choir as the organization you want to support, Kroger will make a contribution to the choir based on your purchases. You retain all your credits, points, fuel perks, etc., but in addition, once a quarter Kroger will send a check to the choir based on the purchases made by everyone who selected the choir for their rewards.

The Kroger Rewards page on our choir web site ( explains how to select the choir.

Kroger resets your selection at the end of April each year, so please verify/update your selection if you haven’t done so in the last few months.


Rich Humenick
Fund Raising Coordinator
Clintonville Community Choir

WebMaster Wants Your Choir Pictures!

Do you have any pictures of the Clintonville Community Choir or C’Ville Songsters that you’d like to share? The Choir Photos page on our web site has photos from 2006 through 2011. It would be nice to have more current photos.

If you have photos you’d like to share, please e-mail them to me at Rich. You can attached the photos, send me a link to them, or just let me know you have some and we’ll work out how to get them to me.


Rich Humenick
WebMaster – Clintonville Community Choir


We start rehearsing for the Summer Concert on June 1st.

For the summer we will be at:
Clinton Heights Lutheran Church (7:30-9pm)
15 Clinton Heights Ave
On the corner of Clinton Heights and High St. (1 block South of N. Broadway)

Rehearsals start at 7:30 BUT on the 1st rehearsal PLEASE come early to get checked in and pick up music.

The concert is Sunday August 9 at 7pm. Park of Roses Gazebo. (In case of rain it will be in shelter house)
We most likely will perform at Wesley Glen the Monday before the concert.
[Note: Wesley Glen has another event that day.  We’ll identify another location for our dress rehearsal.]


Fees for this session are :
Single $20
Family $30
Student 0

Music deposit (refunded when turned in) $10

For Summer concerts we wear our CC Choir logo polo shirt and this time KAKHI on bottom

For those who need to buy a shirt – They are $15. Orders taken a few weeks after rehearsals start.

New members always welcome!

There’s always an extra potatoe, there’s always an extra chair………
So when you’re in the neighborhood….why don’t you stop by and sing some tunes….
Veterans know what this means….New Members will soon find out!!!!!


Stay tuned …..