YouTube videos for Spring 2023 practice

Here is a link to Larry Griffin’s Clintonville Community Choir page on YouTube. It includes videos of our Spring 2023 pieces. You can practice between rehearsals by singing along with them. This page will open in a new browser tab:

February 27, 2023 rehearsal will be 7:00-9:00 pm

The first Spring 2023 rehearsal, February 27 at Clinton Heights Lutheran Church, will run from 7:00-9:00 pm. The first part of rehearsal will be devoted to some choir business. There will be a couple more 2 hours rehearsals this season, to be announced ahead of time, but the normal rehearsal time will continue to be 7:00-8:30 pm. Thank you for your understanding.

YouTube videos for Fall 2022 practice

Here is a link to Larry Griffin’s Clintonville Community Choir page on YouTube. It includes videos of many of our Fall 2022 pieces. You can practice between rehearsals by singing along with them. This page will open in a new browser tab.

Fall 2022 rehearsal information

Rehearsals for our Holiday 2022 season begin on Monday September 19. Rehearsals this fall will start at 7 pm and end at 8:30. Both are 30 minutes earlier than in previous years. No rehearsal on October 31. We will rehearse at Clinton Heights Lutheran Church, as we have for the past several seasons. Dues will be $30 for an individual ($15 for students), $45 for a family. No music deposit. Our new Artistic Director Larry Griffin has developed an exciting repertoire of music for our December 4 concert at Calvary Bible Church. Hope you can join us this season!

Summer 2022 practice track links

Choir members: here are links to practice tracks for our Summer 2022 repetoire.

Ariel has created a YouTube playlist of choir performances for most of our songs. It is


Here’s a song-by-song list of YouTube practice resources (playlist selections, practice tracks).
Star-Spangled Banner 
Sing we and Chant It
Now is the Month of Maying

Summer 2020 concerts cancelled

Members, you should have received an email from Sarah Rainwater with details regarding the cancellation, the process moving forward, options for dues and return of spring concert music.  This information is also posted to the Choir’s Facebook group.  If you do not have access to either of these, you may email the webmaster to request a copy.

Spring 2020 concerts cancelled

All current choir members should have received an email explaining the Board’s decision to cancel our Spring 2020 concerts.  It was also posted to the choir members’ Facebook group.  Spring dues will be carried forward to summer.  Both documents include a link to a form where you can request a refund instead.  Be safe.

No rehearsal Monday February 17

There will be no choir rehearsal on Monday February 17, 2020 due to the President’s Day holiday.  Rehearsals will resume February 24.

December 8 call time now 2:30

Call time for December 8 Holiday concert has been changed to 2:30.  Please come warmed up and prepared to organize quickly.  This includes riser setup.

Summer 2018 potluck

We will have a potluck dinner prior to our summer concert!  Here are details:

  • Sunday, July 22, 5 pm, Park of Roses shelter house
  • Shredded chicken in crock pot provided — feel free to bring alternative protein
  • Disposable plates, cups, utensils, napkins provided — feel free to bring your own
  • Some bottled water provided — feel free to bring beverage
  • Bring a salad, appetizer, side, or dessert
  • Family/friends are welcome to join you! Plan accordingly
  • We need to finish and clean up by 6 pm for concert preparation